Fido's Fun Farm.
Where dogs run, swim, think and play.

The Stables
Washinghall Lane
DN17 4PY 

Secure dog walking field.
Gun dog scurry area.
Terrier racing lure.
3 acres of secure dog walking.
What 3 words: competent.strike.starfish.
Swimming pool for dogs and humans.
Swim with your dog.
Dog swimming pool.
Splash zone.
Coming soon Dog enrichment area.

Welcome to Fido Lido - Where Dogs Make a Splash!

Welcome to Fido Lido - Where Dogs Make a Splash!

At Fido Lido, we believe that every dog deserves the opportunity to enjoy the water in a safe environment. That's why we've created a premier dog swimming pool where your furry friend can dive in, paddle around, and have a splashing good time! You can even join them in the pool if you wish. Here's what makes Fido Lido the ultimate destination for doggy aquatic adventures: Custom-Designed Pool: Our above ground pool is specifically designed with dogs in mind. Our water is kept clean by using salt* instead of harmful chemicals. Please check with your vet if you are concerned. When we first set up the pool we do use chlorine. Fun Water Activities: From swimming with your dog, watching them swim we offer a variety of fun and engaging activities to keep your dog entertained and active in the water. Whether your dog is a seasoned swimmer or just dipping their paws into the water for the first time, Fido Lido is the perfect place for them to enjoy the thrill of swimming in a safe setting. Come join us for a day of aquatic fun and watch your dog make a splash at Fido Lido! We have some dog life jackets. You can swim with your dog but you must note, the pool is not supervised. Strictly NO non-swimmers. Children must be supervised on the land and are only allowed in the pool if they are a strong swimmer, and at parents own risk. We advise that your full attention is on the dog. Please note you must supervise your dog at all times. You must be able to rescue your own dog including lifting them out of the pool.

Secure Dog Field: Fido Fields at Eastoft

Welcome to Fido Fields – Where Every Wag is Secure!

Learn More  
  • The Stables, Washinghall Lane, Eastoft, DN17 4PY
  • What 3 words: competent.strike.starfish. From Eastoft Village, turn onto Washinghall Lane and drive into the countryside. On the right hand side beyond the first bend you will see a sign for Fido Fields. Park in the carpark, leaving room for other cars to park. Parking for the dog field and the pool is the first set of double gates which will be open all day.

Dog swimming pool and secure dog field. The Stables. Washinghall Lane Eastoft DN17 4PY. What 3 words: competent.strike.starfish.


Terms and conditions for the pool. 

  • When you book you are hiring the pool for a fun swim, please be aware that you are hiring the pool for yourself and your dogs, and there will NOT be a hydrotherapist/lifeguard on duty with you.
  • NO Humans must stand on the ramp.
  • No dogs must use the stairs as they are not paw friendly.
  • You MUST have a minimum of two adults. 
  • Dogs MUST use the ramp to the platform and under no circumstances the stairs.  The stairs are to avoid slips for humans and are sharp on paws.
  • All dogs over the age of 4 months are welcome.
  • Owners swim with their dogs at their own risk. Please be aware that access into the pool for humans is via a swimming pool ladder.
  • Children over the age of 11 are welcome to join but must be able swim and stand in 1.1m of water, and they must be accompanied by an adult in the water.
  • Sessions are fun swims where you and your dog can splash and play, a vet consent form is not required, however if you have any concerns about your dogs health please consult your vet before booking.
  • Whilst every care is taken to ensure the safety of dogs attending sessions, all dogs are still the full responsibility of the owner. Please ensure they are kept on lead at all times unless on the splash deck or in the pool.
  • Due to water intoxication, we encourage owners who use the pool to bring floating toys ONLY, and to ensure all dogs have time to get out of the pool to relax.
  • Please do not feed your dog for at least 2 hours prior to the swim session and ensure they have been to the toilet before arrival.
  • Toilet incidents in the pool are rare but do happen from time to time - These can lead to the pool having to close for up to 48 hours. Bookings will be contacted as early as possible to rearrange their session if this should happen.
  • Any fouling on site must be cleaned up by the owner (we provide a bin and bags).
  • Dogs must be relatively clean when attending swim sessions.
  • Fido Lido reserves the right to refuse entrance to sessions to any dog (and human).
  • When visiting, all persons are to be aware that there are some uneven surfaces and are strongly advised to wear sensible shoes with non-slip soles if possible as the floor can become very wet during swimming sessions.
  • Fido Lido cannot be held responsible for any loss or injury to any person dog or personal property whilst on the premises.
  • Vehicles and contents are parked at owner’s own risk.
  • Cancellations made less than 48 hours in advance will be charged full fee
  • Any late arrivals will lose time out of their appointment.

Whilst swimming with your dog we do suggest that you wear a long sleeved t-shirt and shorts in the water which will help prevent dog scratches. There will be a range of toys for your dogs to play with, but you are welcome to bring any additional toys. Sessions are fun swims where you and your dog can splash and play, a vet consent form is not required, however if you have any concerns about your dogs health please consult your vet before booking. We have a full range of dog life jackets available if you have any concerns about your dogs confidence in the water. There is no first aider on the premises. Sessions are 30 minutes long (which is similar to taking your dog on a 2 hour walk) Changing room is basic and is located outside of the pool area. 


Terms and conditions for using the secure dog field. Updated 31/07/2024

Terms And Conditions Of UseAll users must agree to these Terms and Conditions prior to use.These Terms and Conditions permit the Client to use Fido Fields Secure Dog Field for exercising dogs under close personal supervision at all times.By using the facilities at Fido Fields Secure Dog Field (hereafter referred to as ‘Fido Fields’), you (hereafter referred to as ‘The Client’), automatically agree to these terms and conditions.USE OF Fido Fields SECURE DOG FIELD:  

  1. “Conditions” means these booking conditions which shall form part of the contract between Fido Fields and the client and whoever is using the field.
  2. We have absolute discretion to permit or prohibit all types of activity on the land.
  3. This booking is personal to the Client and may not transferred or sub-let to any other person, without prior consent from Fido Fields.
  4. Please park in the Stables compound and follow video instructions to how to access the field, see below for where it is located and access into the field.
  5. If you have a mobility issue then please contact Fido Fields to access a different parking area on 07821300412.
  6. Please only use the poo bags provided, we compost the poo and need to use these specific bags.
  7. There is fresh water in the field but please make sure you test the hose pipe as it can get very hot in hot weather.
  8. Please swill any runny poop away.
  9. You must not climb on any gates, fences or posts at any time. If any injuries are caused by doing so Fido Fields is not held responsible.
  10. Do not allow your dog(s) to dig in any part of the venue, at any time. If they do attempt to dig stop them immediately as holes caused by your dog could pose a risk to other users. If your dog(s) dig(s) please attempt to fill the hole. If your dog(s) causes significant damage, please inform Fido Fields immediately to enable repair.
  11. The field is surrounded by a fence 1.8 meter to 2 metres high deer fencing however if your dog(s) can jump high fences or is likely to dig themselves out then the field may not be totally secure for you. This is a secure field and not a prison. We cannot accept responsibility for escapees.
  12. The Client shall keep Fido Fields clean and tidy and shall ensure that all litter and refuse generated by the Client and users is taken home with them. All dog excrement MUST be picked up using ONLY the poo bags provided and then placed in the dog poo bin. Not picking up after your dog(s) could result in the Client/user being banned from any future use of the field.
  13. If you do wish to use your own poo bags please take your poop home.
  14. The Client should be aware that the ground is uneven in places and caution must be taken. The Client is using the field at their own risk.
  15. The Client is advised to wear sensible and appropriate footwear to suit the grounds and conditions.
  16. The boundary and security of the field is checked on a daily basis, however the Client is advised to check that they are satisfied with the height, safety and condition of the fencing and to inform Fido Fields on 07821300412 of any discrepancies.
  17. The Client must at all times take good care of Fido Fields and its equipment and will be responsible for any damage to Fido Fields or any part of it or any equipment or other property of Fido Fields whether forming part of the hire or not.
  18. The Client shall not be permitted to remove or obscure notices or placards displayed at Fido Fields.
  19. The Client shall not interfere with or make any alteration to the layout or arrangement of Fido Fields without prior written consent.  You can however move bales to suit training needs and other equipment. 
  20. Once we have agility equipment in the field please do not move it.
  21. The Client shall ensure that no noise nuisance shall be caused to occupiers of properties surrounding Fido Fields.
  22. Please do not use whistles that humans can hear.
  23. At no time should a dog(s) be tethered to any structures on site i.e. fencing, posts, gates etc,
  24. Dogs should not be left unattended at any time. You should accompany your dog(s) at all times, so that you are aware of what your pet is doing and that they are safe and complying to these terms and conditions.
  25. Do not allow any dogs out of your vehicle until you have driven through the carpark gates, when you do get out, please do keep your dogs on a lead especially if others are using the field.
  26. Please do not move seats and bales near to the fences as this would allow dogs to escape.
  27. No smoking or vaping please.
  28. We reserve the right to ban any persons who do not adhere to these terms and conditions and who might cause damage or injury.
  29. Please report any accidents or injuries to 07821300412 and any issues you feel are dangerous.
  30. Please report any near misses in relation to any accidents so we can review our health and safety policies.
  31. Please do not enter the house unless it is an emergency or any stables, barns or buildings.
  32. Please close all gates behind you.
  33. Please do NOT close the entrance gates.
  34. Please keep your dogs on a lead until you enter the dog field and before you leave the field.
  35. Please do not leave your dogs in a car in hot or warm weather.

 If you have a dog that is on the DDA list (including XL Bullys) my insurers have confirmed you may use the field if you comply with the following rules as well as any statutory rules/laws: 

  • The dog is registered with the index of exempted dog (IED) and a copy of the life certificate is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim.
  • A copy of the public liability insurance certificate for the dog is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim.
  • The dog handler ratio is 1:1 with their handler at all times.
  • The dog is Neutered – in line with Government Rules.
  • The dog is Micro Chipped.
  • The field is private property with no public access passing through. Fido Fields is private property.
  • The field is securely fenced and locked so the dog cannot escape. The client is advised to check that they are satisfied with the height, safety and condition of the fencing.
  • The dog is kept on a lead and muzzled until the gate is shut when entering the field, please make sure you have checked all gates are also shut.
  • The dog is put back on a lead and muzzled before opening the gate to leave the field.
  • You can remove the lead and muzzle once inside the secured field.
  • If the household has more than 1 dog, they can come to the field together, but the banned breed dog must have its own handler and then another member of the same household needs to be present to supervise the other dogs. If there is more than 1 banned breed in the household they can come together but each dog must have its own handler.

 Use of equipment: 

  • In the field there are plastic boxes with fun activities to amuse your fur babies. There are instructions for each activity. Please do have a go.
  • If you are using the dog racing lure, then please make sure you carefully follow the instructions as it will damage the lure if not followed carefully.
  • We check the field daily but there might be balls and other dog toys that we might have missed. It is however your responsibility to check the field is safe for you and your family.
  • Children must be supervised at all times.

 Parking instructions: If arriving from Eastoft village the entrance is just after the bend on the left of the road over a tarmac driveway and into a stable block.  If arriving from the windfarm road then the entrance is before the bend on the right hand side of the road. The gates are always open during our opening times so please do not close them. Please be careful when entering and leaving the site. Route to the field: Proceed through the five bar gate, closing it behind you. Go to your left where the high fencing starts (not towards the pool) and go through the next five bar gate, also closing it after you. Walk past the small cottage and keep going.  Turn right on the path until you get to a deer gate, this is the entrance to the field. It is not locked but can be securely closed once in the field. The path is uneven in places especially near the gateway so please be careful.

Please do not feed your dog at least two hours before you visit.
Please make sure you wash your dog before and after you visit.
Please take your dog for a poop before you visit. We have a secure field that you can book for a separate charge if you want to make sure they have pooped. You will be subjected to a £50 charge if your dog accidentally defecates in the pool. This is to cover the cost of cancellations/pool closure whilst we clean the pool effectively.
Bring towels and suitable footwear and swim wear.
Consult your vet if your dog has a medical condition.
Please do not bring your dog if they have an upset tummy or anything contagious.
We have very basic changing facilities and the time you have booked included getting changed before and afterwards so please try to come ready.
Yes we have a camping toilet.  We ask that you please do not use it for any number twos, poos. 
Not all dogs can swim or even like to swim. However most dogs can and do swim if they are given the right surroundings and patience. We have some life jackets for the dogs ​which you are welcome to use.  We will be selling them too, once we are up and running properly.
Normally it takes one session to find out if your dog will swim. Sometimes it will take two or in some cases 3 times to build the confidence to take that leap of faith. Patience is key to helping your dog find it's own route to the water. Please never just throw your dog into the pool.
Yes and we have a selection of life jackets ranging from S to L. If you have your own bring it with you. We strongly encourage you to use a life jacket until you are confident your dog doesn’t need one. It makes saving your dog much easier too as you have a handy handle to haul them out of the pool.
Yes absolutely, we encourage it as much as possible. It is the perfect place to bond with your dog. You also need to be able to rescue your dog if they get into trouble in the water.
No we do not supervise the pool.  You must be able to swim and in a position to enter the pool to rescue your dog. The pool is for your own use for the slot you have booked. We insist you come with another adult.  We live very remote and there won't always be someone to call upon to help.
We recommend only 6 dogs maximum but as you would in a public swimming pool with small children in a swimming pool we recommend one handler for two dogs maximum. 
You must supervise your dog at all times in the pool.
Minimum of two adults must be present.
Yes it is as secure as possible however if you have an escapee please do check they cannot get out.  The area is deer fenced between 1.8 and 2 meters.
There will be dogs waiting outside at the end of your session, they are not allowed into the pool area until you have vacated it. 
ALL dogs must be on a lead until in the field or pool area. 
The changing room is located just outside the pool area. 
No the pool is designed for dogs to swim in and so is not heated.  It is not as cold as you think it is once you get in. There is a floating thermometer attached to the human stairs. ​
You should always seek medical advice before coming to the pool if you have a pre-existing condition especially if related to your heart or blood pressure.  The pool is not heated. You must also be able to enter the pool to rescue your dog or support them in exiting the pool up the ramp.
We use swimming pool salt in the pool.  We use an anti fungus chemical too.  Please do ask us for the details.  Details of chemicals if you have a reaction are posted in the changing room area and on the notice board at the entrance to the area. 
No we do not.  
We recommend strongly that you never come to the pool alone. Minimum of two people so one is responsible for rescuing or calling the emergency services for assistance.
No there are uneven surfaces in both the dog field, the carpark and the paths leading to the pool and the field. Please wear sensible shoes ​but please not shoes in the ​pool. 
Please keep your dog on a lead until they are in the pool area.  Whilst we try to stagger times, this isn’t possible all of the time.  Some dogs visiting us are reactive to dogs and to people and so please have your dogs on a lead when entering and leaving the pool or field area. No whistles that humans can hear.
To enter the pool for a dog please use the dog ramp up onto the platform. Humans use the stairs and ALWAYS hold the hand rail going up and coming down. Dogs should use the ramp as there are gaps up the stairs and the stairs are non slip so not paw friendly. 
Humans, there is pool stairs on the side of the stairs up to the platform, they are moveable so please be careful when entering and exiting. We recommend someone holds the ladder on entering and exiting the pool. Please no shoes in the pool. 
We recommend a person on the platform and one to support dogs in the pool.
The platform should not be climbed on. 
Please do not lean on the sides of the pool.
No running, no diving and no non swimmers in the pool. 
The water depth is 4 foot, or 52 inches from top to bottom.
The pool size is 32 foot by 16 foot. 
Please do not park right in the centre of the carpark as others will be using it too.  Please park at the edge of the carpark. Be careful once leaving the carpark and be aware that tractors and other farm equipment often use the lane as do dog walkers, walkers, cyclists and horse riders.

You can reschedule your session up to 48 hours prior to attending. There are no refunds available for non-attendance or lateness. We reserve the right to reschedule your appointment at anytime
Jewellery is not advised as you may lose it and it if lost can be a hazard to pool users.
Please do not throw treats or any food into the pool.  
We have a ramp onto the platform and ramps going into the pool.  These are designed for dogs and not humans.
The stairs are for humans.
We have a gate at the top and bottom of the stairs to stop dogs going up them and down them.
We are open in all weathers but if there is a thunder storm and threat of lightening we will close and refund or reschedule you.
No the pool price is per half an hour slot not per dog.
The half an hour slot you book is for you and your own party and will not be shared by others. 
Yes we can finally accept cash. Please ring 07821300412 and we will manually book you in.
Yes, if you want to book both we suggest contacting us on 07821300412. If you want the pool first we suggest booking the 40 to slot for the pool and going in the field at 10 past the hour and will honour the 45 minutes. 
If you want the field first then you would have to wait until the ten past slot for the pool or lose five minutes of the field booking. 

Yes, we can accommodate birthday parties and can provide goody bags.